This week in the Weekly Guide….Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I like to describe myself as the most introverted extrovert you will ever meet. I love people, I love hosting and I love get togethers but to fill my cup give me a bath tub, a good book and about 8 hours alone and I am in heaven… haha. No, seriously, that sounds like a pretty amazing afternoon! 😉
With that said what sounds like the most perfect day to you? Is there a place you would go? Something you would like to eat? A person you would want to be with? I would love to know so tell me below.
While you are thinking about your answers, here is this weeks fav saves!!!
This week may be short and sweet but it is packing some serious punch, so let’s dive in!
I don’t know if anything screams summer more than fresh fruit, am I right? Now that summer is closing in I am trying to squeeze in all the fresh fruit goodness I can so when I saw these cheesecake bars I knew this would be added to the Fisher House menu ASAP!
Do you tend to follow trends or timeless designs? I know one thing, I had no idea what I loved when it came to design fully until we moved into our current home. It was like a lightbulb came on and I am slowly but surely pressing into that timeless classic comfortable design that embodies us as a whole, with each room and project I tackle. So when I saw this AHHMAZING eat in kitchen inspiration this week, this confirmed my next project for our home. It’s one I have been designing since last year and I promise you won’t want to miss it. But for now just take in all this eye candy!!
Which reminds me of this…..
… and I really don’t think I need to explain. But this spoke to my heart way too deep. Why do we tend to think we have to give the world explanations for everything we do? This could relate to a new wall color you have fallen in love with to a new career opportunity. Of course major decisions and life changes require peace, and specific prayers. But if it’s the best GOD path for you, then no explanation is ever needed, no matter who it is!
When I came across this next picture it gave me a ton of inspo for a little DIY I am doing soon but it also reminded me how important sunshine and fresh air is for our mind, body and soul. So today, if you can spare 15 mins, I challenge you to step outside and just take 10-15 nice long deep breaths. Tell me if you don’t feel less anxiety, less stress and worry. I promise you it benefits our bodies more than we like to admit.
Here’s the thing my friends, life comes at us with dead ends, dry deserts, pouring waterfalls and everything in between. When we start to put ourselves to the stake if things don’t go as planned or circumstances don’t allow for our perfect timeline, we have to stop and remind our hearts that the only thing we do have control over is our response to it all. I’m still learning the art of adapting and adjusting to my ‘perfect’ plans being disrupted with life’s realities. And It all starts with the right mindset. I will never encourage a full calendar but if yours is, take my 4th advice above for just a few days this week and maybe even work it into your everyday. Because right now our soul needs rest from the restlessness of life in a desperate way.
Sending so much love on this beautiful Monday!