HI, its me, saying what I always say every January 1st…. “Where did the last year go?” But like really, where do they go?
Even if the years fly by in my mind, I still look forward to a fresh “new” start every year. January has always been a time to hit reset for me. (And not in that New Years Resolution type of way) But in a way to clear out the stuff that may have piled up throughout the last year, to organize the corner that seemed to get overlooked since July or simply just to refresh the spaces you call home. It doesn’t have to mean you need to throw away all your treasured things but it is a healthy start for our minds when we clear out excess. I read this quote recently and it said,
Cleaning and Organizing is a practice, not a project.
Meagan Francis
I don’t want to share this January Reset with you with the intention to make you feel guilt, overwhelming to-do lists or to push you beyond what you can do right now. For me, I do this to help start our home out (just like I do my body and mind) with a clean, open and clear pathway to recieving what’s ahead in the new year.
So if you are ready to start this year off with a squeaky clean bang get ready to hit print. I have attached a PDF I created for the month of January that will leave not one little corner or baseboard in your home untouched. (click on photo below to print) If you noticed, I left the weekends open. And I did this for a very specific purpose!! We believe in rest in our home! I realize that during the week the days can be jam packed with work, appointments and daily life. I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed if you couldn’t get to one of the daily weekday tasks. So the weekends are open for the opportunity to play catch up or to simply and most importantly take time to REST! P.S: don’t forget to check for a few tips at the bottom 😉

Some of the days may require a little bit more time than others so feel free to consolidate as is comfortable for you! My hope is to simply help to clear out not only the physical space around you, but to also help free some mental space as well. “Simplifying what’s around you will help you simplify what’s within you.” -Courtney Carver
Happy Cleaning and Happy New Year! I am truly so grateful you are here!
Here are a few “random” tips about the cleaning process:
- If you haven’t worn it in 3-5 months (seasonal excluded) then donate it. For example: that shirt you know you won’t wear for the third year in a row, just donate it, don’t hold onto something just because you “think” it will be different this season.
- Baseboard/wall cleaning tips: I like to get a small bucket of super hot water & I use this all natural cleaner for EVERYTHING- but you can use any soap/cleaner that works for you. I haven’t used any kind of bleach or harsh chemicals on my walls because of possible break down of paint. Soap and hot water can truly do the trick always! Here’s a link as well to all the amazing uses for my all natural cleaner. You can also use my code karlarevive10 for 10% off your purchase through the website!!
- If you don’t feel joy when you look at it, toss it.
- Don’t skip over something just because it feels daunting, the reason it feels daunting is because you HAVE skipped over it. Put your big girl panties on and get it done! I promise you the reward will be great!
- Donating is great but don’t forget that FB marketplace is a gold mine to selling items. So why not take a few pics of those things you may donate and try to pocket a little extra savings!!