
The Good Guide: Friday Five


May 19, 2023

Fisher Foods

Join me as I set out to make our house a HOME, one project and season at a time. Sharing all the good, the struggle and the in between. Grab a blanket and get cozy!

I'm Karla

join us on instagram

Instead of the good guide, this week it should be called the spiral guide. Because my simple little afternoon project (in my mind), spiraled into a three day ordeal. I feel like every simple project I plan turns into three + weeks (or days) of doing, redoing, doing again and then finally wrapping up. But I talked about this briefly in stories, and I will reiterate here, that this is okay! Home takes TIME.. and a lot of for-thought. I realize that pivoting in the middle of projects or even reconfiguring everything is often needed. Beginning is often the biggest hurdle and then what comes after is often a product of seeing what works and what doesn’t, then adapting from that. My friend recently shared this post and it resonated so deeply …

good guide

Practice might not make perfect, but Practice sure makes IMPROVEMENT…. Every Single Time!

1. things i’m wanting, loving or eager to try

eager to make… these easy yummy nostalgic treats. Literally takes me back to my twenties and all my unhealthy take-out 😅

loving… MY NEW favorite kitchen item. I shared in stories and I had to share again because I am still amazed at quality, price and how easy these are to clean and cook with!

wanting… this darling vintage frame, uh how stinking cahuuuute!

need to make these… couldn’t think of a sweeter way to preserve my sweet babies foot steps 😍 or even those fur babies!

👆🏽 these 100% cotton dish rags are such high quality!

👆🏽 This laser measure is a recent DIY purchase and it’s safe to say I’m retiring my measuring tape 😂

👆🏽 this healing clay is LEGIT. I use it to make my masks and as a detox additive for my bath. It makes my skin feel like heaven!

2. account i’m loving

I know a lot of what is shared on this account, Christian Mompreneurs, is geared toward being a momma, but I think a lot of the truth can be applied towards many different seasons of being a woman.. especially a Christian woman working toward her dreams. I am constantly encouraged, convicted and fed by every post. I truly never want to stop working my way to being a better woman, wife, momma, friend, daughter.

3. a yummy summer cook-out menu

Vegetable & Sausage Foil Packets– such an easy and fun summer dish. You can substitute for any veggie you like!

4. links i’m loving

  • I know you probably don’t have an extra three hours to sit and watch this… But even just 10 minutes was enough for my soul to feel refreshed and in awe!
  • THIS song… THIS truth! 👇🏽
    • ….. “There may be storms that won’t move out the way, and trials will come to only test my faith. What I’ve learned about your favor, your mercy and your grace is they go on forever, they’re sufficient for today”

5. good words

you. are. seen.

our uniqueness = our strength
a timely reminder…

Happy Good Guide Friday, my friends!

Comments +

  1. Josh Fisher says:

    Tell me more about this Maple Pecan Bundt Cake! 😳

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