I hope you had an amazing July 4th Holiday. We spent it with family and had a little cook out, it was all just perfect! I treasure time with my family so much around the holidays, well anyday for that matter. Time is truly of the essence. Bo was definitely not a fan of the fireworks, but G couldn’t get enough. Our neighbors really did it up so we got a good 30-45 min show. It was incredible! This weeks good guide feels pretty laid back but still packed with all the goodness to walk you into the weekend with hope and joy!

1. things I’m loving, wanting or eager to try
Loving… & I’m mentally here!
Wanting… to do this with G!!! What a beautiful, fun yet amazing way to teach him!
Eager… to make this heavenly goodness and I don’t even like marshmallows 😆

👆🏽 I have been on the hunt for a thrifted hanging basket for our front door for over a year. I realize some things take time but your girl is getting impatient lol. I found this one and the reviews are really good. I may just take the risk and order it!
👆🏽 This storage bin is GENIUS to use for kids craft supplies, coloring, or legos. It holds a ton and I love the clear bottom to see.
👆🏽 I don’t talk about this as much as I should but supplements have always been a huge part of my life. I’ve taken this magnesium for several years now and it has made the biggest difference in my sleep, my stress and the benefits of magnesium in the body are HUGE. If you are looking for a mag supplement I would highly suggest it!
2. good find
I’ve wanted one of these organizers for beach snacks for several years and always forgot to get it before we left… So I finally snagged this one was on major deal!
3. good foods
4. links i’m loving
I cannot even explain the laughter that just came out of me watching this momma try to work out 😂
My daily prayer is that I do this everyday… not for any glory of myself but HIS!
Oh my word.. all my favorite flavors in one 🤤😮💨
A friend shared this audio recently and goodness did it resonate in my soul…
5. good words

happy good guide friday, My Friends!
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