
The 2024 Project List: Plans and Timeline


February 8, 2024

Fisher Foods

Join me as I set out to make our house a HOME, one project and season at a time. Sharing all the good, the struggle and the in between. Grab a blanket and get cozy!

I'm Karla

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Happy New Year & New Project List! I mean it is still a new year, I’m just a few weeks belated. Deciding to take the whole month of January off of socials felt like the biggest weight lifted from my shoulders. I had already planned to take a week off but that week just grew and after the third week I felt like a new woman. I often find if I am in a creative slump, purposeful time away to clear my mind and free up space to think cures it almost instantaneous. Although that time away was needed, the time I spent dreaming about our upcoming new years project plans did not stop.

Now that we are well into February I’m sharing all the bigger project plans. There will be MANY smaller projects, thrift flips and your tuesday afternoon spontaneous paint project, but I like to keep those just that…. spontaneous and exciting! I mean, I gotta keep you on your toes, right? Because my goodness I sure keep myself on my own toes most days too!

So let’s dive in…. (in no particular order)

1. Bo’s Room

Oh, sweet Bo! I know many of you have followed along on our journey with Bo. I share most of the personal journey and stories in my weekly newsletter sent out, because its often just too much to explain in stories and really sacred. My journey this past year with Bo has been so deeply hard. The struggles are ongoing and the push backs never seem to stop… But I do have to start off my saying that the God of the Universe has never left mine or Bo’s side. It has seemed at times a very lonely journey. One that many have a hard time understanding. But letting you into the hard places has been another way my heart has continued to heal.

This nursery was one of the things I almost subconsciously pushed aside until now. It felt like I was having to let go of something deeply sacred. Bo has always slept in our room beside our bed, until now. Which I feel is the source of this new anxiety. Maybe just maybe, in moving him in here, my heart feels a new ache and fear. It uproots all the pain and anguish of leaving him alone in a hospital isolette for 54 days…. something that I fought so hard. It went against what any mother longs for, the intimate touch and closeness of her baby. That innate instinct of a momma bear wanting to protect her young. Being a NICU momma has changed my external DNA. I read recently that there are moments in our life that will define us forever. They literally change who we are. We never go back to what we once were. Bo’s birth was that moment for me.

But here we are, almost 14 months later and I feel a new joy in creating a space for our precious miracle boy.

He deserves that.

I deserve that.

I am already preparing myself for the emotions to come in creating this space. As you know, Home is deeply spiritual for me. Since I can remember early on in life, the art of creating has always been personal and purposeful. I know this sweet space, with all its history and love, will be nothing short of this reflection as well.

The Before:

The Plan:

2. Master Closet

Other than my beloved pantry project, the master closet is high on the list of projects that will stretch and pull me to learn and grow in my DIY skills. Planning will be key for this space because I truly want to utilize every square inch to its full potential. I plan to start this project in the summer and I have a feeling it may be a very long process for me!

Just think, lots of built ins’s, drawers, sweater cabinets, shoe space, individual hanging sections, golf club cabinet for the hubs, I am also trying to configure a little sitting area (maybe)! All in all I am pretty sure it is going to be EPIC… with a ton of sweat equity on my part. I actually read recently that custom closets have a HUGE ROI in the potential of selling which is very good to know!

Here she is now.. remember this is a no judgement zone. Also, this has always been a dumping ground and one big factor in me creating a space that has form and function! Cause’ it kinda drives me a little crazy 😛

3. Master Bedroom

We are going into year 5 of being in our home and I kick myself for not placing priority in our Master Suite. My plan is moody, romantic, peaceful and calming. I am sure you’re not surprised by this but there will be a color drenching moment happening in here and I. Can’t. Wait! My plan is to start our Master in May (how fitting, right?!)

4. Garden Project

I am super excited about every single project this year, but I have to say I think the garden project is one I am most eager to get started on. I have wanted raised beds and a place to grow fresh cut flowers for years and years. This year will only be phase 1 because gardens just don’t grow overnight and I know it is going to be a BIG undertaking. But having a sustainable home is deeply important to me and it starts right here!

Would love to know some of your favorite things to grow? Tell me below, I may need to add some new ones to my list of must haves.


5. Boy’s/Guest Bathroom

Alright, confession time. I actually started the demo on this room back in October 2023. I know, I know. It was one of those spontaneous exciting days (see first paragraph 🙂 ) I literally woke up that morning, grabbed the crow bar and exacto knife and went to town removing the previously placed Board & Batten. Does anyone remember this project?

This was the before (October 2020)

And this is the After!

I know you may be thinking, “what on earth Karla?” It looks finished and amazing and beautiful. But here’s the thing, I did not plan it out, which left some of the project end result, subpar- If that! #1 being the batten. I used 1x4s and did not adjust the width of the board to line up with our baseboards so there was so much overhang. Every time I walked in this bathroom I noticed it and it bothered me BIG time. To correct that I should have used a decorative trim piece and flipped it upside down on top of the baseboard, then attached the batten.

So here we are current time…. Oh’ do I have so much to catch you up on! But stay tuned because more color AND TILE is appearing and I cannot wait! Also, go check out what I’m doing in our Water Closet currently!!

What project are you most excited to see? And I would love to hear what projects you are planning for your year ahead.. big or small!

Blessings, Karla

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