This weeks good guide is all about food, fall and familiarity. Now I know it isn’t officially fall yet, per the calendar, but you best believe here at The Fisher House when the clock strikes September 1st, its Fall. Its our favorite season around here for many reasons, the crisp cool air and subsequent coziness, but we also have quite a lot to celebrate in the next couple months, including our Anniversary and several special Birthdays.
So for all my fall excitement, I couldn’t not share this amazing recipe that is already on your girl’s menu ASAP. I mean look at these babies. Ooey gooey pumpkin donut goodness.. Does it get any better ???
P.S: You can thank me later
This week I posted something pretty vulnerable. It was an emotional moment that wasn’t just personal but made me feel quite silly. And I say silly, because for some people what I did would be just another day in the life, but for me, I was challenged and stretched in more ways than I can count. So when I saw this next post (no lie) right after I shared, a light bulb came on! In that moment I knew I was right where I needed to be, sharing the exact thing that I was sharing and to top it all off, I knew my heart and life was making a bigger impact than I could see in this ordinary moment in time.. just by being radically authentic.
Do you own an instant pot? And if you do, how often do you use it? Ill be honest I think the instant pot is one of the most underutilized kitchen appliances hands down. I always see it in passing but yet I very rarely use it. But then once I do (you know the drill) I wonder why I haven’t used it in so long… and then repeat every couple months! I know, I know, it doesn’t make sense. So when I saw this instant pot recipe I couldn’t save it fast enough and here’s another goodie I will be adding to the meal plan in the coming week.
Pinterest has got to be one of my number 1 places for inspiration but here lately, with just a quick scroll on the explore page on instagram, I find myself lost in endless inspo and jaw dropping shots of some of the most unbelievable homes. And I’ll be real honest, and I just may get attacked for this, but I don’t really look for the new, shiny, dream homes. I’m a sucker for the beat up, worn out and seasoned homes that your normal everyday life person comes in and literally breaths new and authentic life into every single square foot of sheetrock. So you know when I saw this corner of Jordan and Brad’s 1915 kitchen I stopped in my tracks. Like where do I even begin??
Which leads me right into this pure heaven of a kitchen. Those pendants, the floor, the exposed brick, the beams, that antique island… Umm, I’ll take all of this shipped right to my door please. I’ts almost like every little thing in here is telling a story. It tells days of old, all while bringing new fresh life in the now. I don’t know, but it seems like the more years I add to my life I crave the familiar. I crave the things that remind me of memories, of the brevity of time and the warmth of home. And this right here encompasses all of that and more.
I want to remind you tonight that no matter what this week, this month, or the last 30 minutes brought you, you are not forgotten. I’ts amazing how big this world is and how small we can feel sometimes. I know! But tonight I want you to breath out any fear, anxiety or unrest you may have and breath in a fresh deep breath of peace, courage and expectation! Because you are built for this, THIS moment right now.

The Lord stood with me & gave me strength. 2 Timothy 4:17