
Spring Bucket List: welcoming a new season!


March 31, 2023

Fisher Foods

Join me as I set out to make our house a HOME, one project and season at a time. Sharing all the good, the struggle and the in between. Grab a blanket and get cozy!

I'm Karla

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Who doesn’t love a good bucket list?? So I thought why not make a little ‘seasonal’ bucket list. Since spring is upon us, today I’m sharing my attainable Spring Bucket List. 15 things that can help you clear the ‘clutter’ or simply enjoy the new life and new perspective that Spring always ushers in! I think we all have some kind of Life Bucket List, but why not simplify it into Life seasons. I have a funny feeling this may just be a life perspective you need right now… simple, memorable & attainable!

Spring and Fall are equally both my absolute favorite time of year. They open up opportunities for new life, new beginnings and a new perspective. But spring IS the reason there is a fall… the seed before the harvest… The rain before the rainbow. Spring always helps me to physically and spiritually do a little soul clean up. Rid myself of any clutter I’ve hoarded over the past year and make room for the new. Letting go of those things that no longer serve me or help me to progress into what my future holds. Another reason why I love the idea of having a seasonal bucket list.. and for us today, a Spring Bucket List!

I don’t know if there is anything more delicious than eating a freshly baked pie from berries you just picked while sitting out on the front porch enjoying the spring sunshine. I think I just planned a good afternoon!!

spring bucket list
Homemade Cherry Pie

I have some of the best memories at the berry farm picking strawberries. Don’t tell, but there is something about picking a hot strawberry straight off the vine and eating it 😁 If you haven’t ever experienced such a memory, I highly recommend it, haha!

spring bucket list

I think one of the few vivid memories I have of my childhood, centers around picnic’s. Every time my best friend would come over when I was growing up, we would put together the most random snack concoctions and run outside with the quilt and stay for hours. It was one of those core joyful memories I will take with me forever. So my question is, I wonder why the older we get we often lose sight of these ‘childlike’ activities that are often the most simple but impactful. I think I will be planning a picnic very soon! Who’s coming?

spring bucket list

Being outside is something I crave every single day. And hiking is one of those activities that not only gets you outside and active, but it can also help you see different places and scenery you haven’t yet explored. I challenge you to be a tourist in your own city or county and find a local hiking spot! You just may find a new treasure.

spring bucket list

The sight (and smell) of fresh herbs always make me think of spring! Whether fresh cilantro for salsa, fresh basil for that spring pasta dish or fresh mint in a fancy refreshing water. Herbs are the quintessential piece to a spring garden!

Who doesn’t love a good summer night bonfire and gooey warm chocolate melted between a marshmallow and graham cracker. It just doesn’t get more summery than that… of course minus all the mosquitos!

spring bucket list

There are quite a few things I love when it comes to our home and one of those is clutter free spaces. It does wonders for my mental health and overall peace. Spring often reminds me of this ‘newness’ in my spaces I call home. To remove all that is weighing our home down and make space… for space. I am learning that I don’t need to clutter up an empty wall or empty corner for the sake of filling it. Of course if I love something and it truly brings me joy, then yes. But otherwise, having empty spaces is oh so good for the soul. So what drawer or closet will you clean out today, to make room for more joy and rest?

This seems like the simplest of things to do, but there is something so special about fresh flowers.. then adding in the hunt to find and pick them. Well that feels like a joy filled afternoon to me!

It can be laid back or extremely romantic, but any kind of dining under the stars or a string of cafe lights just screams nostalgia. Add in the summer crickets and heat lightening and you have you a perfect date night, with friends or that special someone. And if you live in the south, don’t forget the bug spray lol!

Painting rocks takes me back to my crafting days. These cuties can be adorned any way you like, but just the simple (almost mundane) task alone can be so soul cleansing. I also love the idea of writing affirmations or bible verses on them and then leaving them around town for strangers to find. I wonder how much that could change someone’s day!

Who doesn’t love a gorgeous back drop of fresh vegetables, fruits, flowers, hand poured soaps, artisan handmade trinkets and the smell of fresh air?? If you are anything like me, that sounds like a perfect Saturday morning stroll. There is always an open market somewhere near you, I challenge you to search for one, take a friend and make some memories.

If you have putt-putt plans, I’m your girl… but I am only a good golf-cart driver if you take me to the golf course. But this is one thing I have always wanted to do at least once, or at least try to hit the ball farther than 20 feet (lol). Have you ever golfed before? I may need all the tips!!

This guitar pick says it all, music truly does heal. There is something about the perfect song that can truly recenter my thoughts, my day or a just a hard moment. Music has such a soulful way of changing the entire atmosphere. So why not make a few new spring playlist that can get you motivated about the new days ahead, excited about a fun vacation or relaxed and thankful for all this new season has in store.

After doing all that cleaning and organizing, now you will need to figure out what you can donate, what you can sell and what needs to be trashed. This article below is a good resource to see what you can do with your clothes and how you determine the recyclables. And don’t forget facebook marketplace, what’s that saying goes- “one mans trash, another mans treasure!!”

There is literally ALWAYS something to celebrate, in our own life and according to this amazing list of National Daily Holidays! Thought I could also include this funny holiday list… I mean, we should make September 4th an everyday holiday celebration, what do you think?? 😆

I would love to know, below , which ones you can’t wait to check off of your Spring Bucket List!

Comments +

  1. NANCY HOUSE says:

    I’m going to try to get out hiking and also work on getting rid of stuff and donating things we no longer need.

    • Karla Fisher says:

      Nancy, that is so awesome! The weather is getting nice here for hiking as well and it seems my donation pile just keeps getting bigger 🙂

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