I often look back and wonder what I would tell younger me but today, ON MY BIRTHDAY, I couldn’t help but think what would 60 year old me want my heart to know.

So here’s my heart ❤️
She looked up at me and gently grabbed my hands. She looked me in the eyes, because she knows that the intentional action of focused attention means a lot, and then she spoke with love, authority and gentleness…
1. Sweet girl, You worried too much—most of what kept you up at night worked out in ways you couldn’t have imagined. Trust God FULLY, not just with what is easy, but with the things that don’t make sense.
2. Be present in the season you’re in—life moves fast, like fast fast, and one day, you’ll miss the moments you’re rushing through now.
3. Your body is a temple, not a trend—take care of it, nourish it, appreciate it and treat it with kindness- for all it allows you to do.

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4. Your worth is not in what you produce—God loves you for who you are, not for what you can accomplish (or what you think you need to accomplish)!
5. Time with loved ones is your greatest investment—never be too busy for the people who truly matter!!
6. Let joy be easy—you don’t have to earn rest, laughter, or peace.
7. The little things weren’t so little—the ordinary days, the laughter, the quiet moments—they were the foundation of this beautiful life you have lived.

The Beauty of Personal Growth: Learning, Healing, & Becoming
8. Keep learning, growing, and trying new things—your passions don’t expire, and neither does your purpose.
9. God’s faithfulness never wavered—through every high and every low, He provided, led, and carried you.
10. Forgive often and let go quickly—bitterness steals more than just joy; it steals time. Don’t waste one second of it!
11. Take more pictures, but also put the phone down—capture the moments, but don’t miss living in them.

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12. Although hard in seasons, your boundaries were worth it—the peace you protected shaped a life you love.
13. Speak kindly to yourself—the way you talk to yourself matters more than you realize.
14. You were more beautiful than you ever believed—the glow of a life well-lived is the most radiant thing about you.
15. Keep trusting the process—God was always working- even when you couldn’t see it.
16. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! – When you don’t know what you say, when you feel like you could talk for hours, when all you have are tears, when the going gets tough. PRAY. Make time everyday to surrender all of it!
17. Treasure the Word– Don’t just read, or hear or listen. Tether it to your soul. Let the fruit of His Spirit become the very essence of your daily life. It changes EVERYTHING!
And maybe, she’d look up and smile and say, “Keep going. Keep trusting. Keep showing up. Because I’m proud of the YOU that keeps giving it all to Jesus. The battles are already won!”