
The Good Guide: Friday Five


March 17, 2023

Fisher Foods

Join me as I set out to make our house a HOME, one project and season at a time. Sharing all the good, the struggle and the in between. Grab a blanket and get cozy!

I'm Karla

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I can’t believe it has been a year and 4 months since my last good guide. When I started my blog back in the fall of 2020, this was my favorite segment to share every week. The art of blogging has my heart & still does! I knew in some capacity, big or small, writing and sharing my life through my words was a calling I couldn’t just put up on a shelf. Even though I still feel soooo lost with the in’s and out’s of blogging- it hasn’t kept me from continuing to learn and grow.

My favorite stems & Favorite thrifted vase flip

This “Fall Friday” series, always felt like home to me. I began to post and share recipes, DIY updates, things that sparked joy, my current favorites, wants or things I wanted to try. Blogging is both fun yet time consuming, exciting yet terrifying, easy yet always challenging me to places I’ve never been.

Flash forward to the beginning of 2022 & I began to feel a shift. Not to walk away, but to reevaluate where I put my time and effort. Blogging is such an outlet for my soul, and I knew I needed to invest in myself and this vision, from a professional standpoint, which ultimately led me to Tonic and the evolution of my website and newsletter. I know that one of the best investments I can make, both professionally and personally, will always be in who I am in the present and who I am wanting to become. Tonic helped me to align my goals professionally all while allowing me to see an incredible vision for what was ahead. I took some time off most of 2022 but my goals for this year are equally frightening and absolutely exciting, which circles back to why ‘The Friday Five: Good Guide’ will be coming back. It was something I always looked forward too and something I haven’t stopped thinking about!!

You can expect The Good Guide bi-weekly and my newsletter on the adjacent weeks. I am so ready to share, spread and include all the good I can straight into your heart! I think that’s enough rambling for today. I have been so excited to get into today’s favorites, so let’s do it! I hope you enjoy and have the BEST Friday!

wanting… Everything in this Tudor Home designed by the impeccable Heidi Caillier

dreaming of…. these breathtaking destinations!!

loving… this fresh and unexpected color palette for Spring!

recently ordered… this rotary grater/shredder and I will never go back. It can do vegetables, nuts and of course cheese 😁

things I own & love…

I’ve been following Hannah Brencher for a several years now and I cannot think of one post or email I’ve received from her that didn’t resonate with me…. and that’s RARE. But also is she, and that is what makes her freaking amazing!

Here is a little excerpt from a recent post…..

Fresh Blackberry Cheesecake Squares

Cilantro Lime Chicken

When the title describes The Health benefits of coffee… you know you found your people!

14 Details — Big & Small — That Will Elevate Your Kitchen Or Bathroom… It is ALWAYS in the details!!

11 Kitchens With Jewel Tones We’re Loving… These blues are stealing my heart right now, WOW!

Five Minute Morning… I am a minimalist when it comes to make-up but I’ve also over the years gone down to nearly none because of the harsh chemicals in our make-up. I love this routine and how sustainable the products are!

the 5 Best Herbs To Grow In Your Backyard… speaking to my garden loving soul!

I Tried the New York Times’ Perfect Cinnamon Toast Recipe (All I Have to Say Is *WOW*)… I’m sorry, but where was this my whole life?!?!

legitimate health benefits to walking after eating, especially when it comes to staving off a blood sugar spike and crash… I’ve always said walking is one of the most beneficial exercises you can do everyday!

5 Reasons to Make Your Bed Every Day… I’m a little cray when it comes to making my bed every morning, this was an interesting read! Do you make your bed everyday?

p e r i o d.

Yes + Amen

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