Happy Good Guide Friday, Labor Day Weekend.. AND September 1st! Y’all, I can smell fall and I am not gonna be shy about finally going a little crazy with pumpkin everything and fall vibes on the daily. My heart is at home when fall is coming, I just can’t begin to describe what it does to my mood, my productivity and my mindset… it’s just the most wonderful time of the year simply put! So buckle up your boots and grab your cardigan and let’s embrace all that this new season has for us!

1. things i’m loving, wanting or eager to try
eager to try… all you have to say is sweet potato and I will put it on my plate!!!
wanting… this cozy two piece set for all those fall nights!
loving… this cutie morning welcome!

👆🏽 This cardigan is LEGIT! I shared in stories this week and I am telling you I have never owned a cardigan so substantial, high quality and insanely affordable. So many color options too!!!
👆🏽 My FAVORITE sneakers and this Labor Day Weekend sale brings them down to $31, stacked with the code SEPTEMBER. You better run because the sizes are going fast!
👆🏽 These pillow covers look absolutely perfect for fall! Many color options and the reviews are amazing!
2. Good follow
One glance at Leah’s page and you will feel right at home. Her soft welcoming smile and gorgeous thrifted pattern filled home always make me feel so peaceful. That’s one thing I always look for when I am inspired, the way a space makes my soul feel! Erin, @Houseintheheights is a new follow for me but has quickly become a source of inspiration and joy. I think you will feel the same! Go tell her I sent you and be inspired all the same ❤️
3. fall menu
4. links i’m loving
I literally got lost for an hour looking at all these gorgeous places.. Now I want to book a lifetime of trips!
All I’m gonna say, FIND YOUR PEOPLE!!!! 🙌🏽
Please go watch this and SMILE! 😀
What’s that saying… “We don’t deserve animals” 🥲 this is just precious!
One day I want this in my back yard!!!